Married By Morning Audiobook

Posted by on Aug 1, 2011 in Reviews |

Review of: Married by Morning Audiobook
Lisa Kleypas

Reviewed by:
On August 1, 2011
Last modified:August 24, 2022


Married by Morning Audiobook

By: Lisa kleypas

Narrated by: Rosalyn Landor

Published by: Brilliance Audio-05/2010

9hrs and 46mins
Whispersync for Voice-ready

For two years, Catherine Marks has been a paid companion to the Hathaway sisters—a pleasant position, with one caveat. Her charges’ older brother, Leo Hathaway, is thoroughly exasperating. Cat can hardly believe that their constant arguing could mask a mutual attraction. But when one quarrel ends in a sudden kiss, Cat is shocked at her powerful response—and even more so when Leo proposes a dangerous liaison.
Leo must marry and produce an heir within a year to save his family home. Catherine’s respectable demeanor hides a secret that would utterly destroy her. But to Leo, Cat is intriguing and infernally tempting, even to a man resolved never to love again. The danger Cat tried to outrun is about to separate them forever—unless two wary lovers can find a way to banish the shadows and give in to their desires.


My Thoughts


Finally, we got the most anticipated story of The Hathaway’s series, and once again, Ms. Kleypas delivered this romantic tale as a magnificent show of her talent; the witty dialogue, the sexy scenes and romance have never been better.

Leo,” Lord Ramsay ” our messy hero, but always amusing and sympathetic, has turned into an irresistible character, and the journey has been great, he managed to come a long way from the loser, antagonistic and selfish eldest brother to  become one of the most endearing characters in my listens. I’ve always had a special place for Leo, I’m a big fan of redemption as well as dry sense of humor, and no doubt we get both with Leo.

Catherine Marks, the spinster and paid companion of the younger Hathaway’s sisters, is the perfect counterpart for the sarcastic and a bit charlatan Lord Ramsey. Mark’s proper and stern manners, and completely different way of looking at things, have made this relationship an entertaining background story for the past few books, I enjoyed the witty arguments, the constant fights to deny their feelings for one another, and the moments they spent at each other’s throat were full of humor. The underlying sexual tension was captivating and delicious – of course, their romantic tale and HEA doesn’t disappoint.

As two completely different individuals, Marks and Leo have a lot to overcome, but this just raises the stakes in their love story, and it’s wonderful to see how they come to terms with their past wounds.

This is the best romance of The Hathaways series, and it maybe because it was slowly developed throughout the first few books; this is the reason why I strongly recommend starting with the first book in the series, Mine Till Midnight. If you love Historical Romance novels, this series is a must, every book is full of adorable characters, enough suspense and intrigue to keep the story fast moving, and last but not least, the untamed sexuality and pleasure, typical of Ms. Kleypas’s novels that it’s always delivered in a tasteful without being smutty way.

4.32 stars based on 325 ratings on
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I really enjoyed the performance by Rosalyn Landor; I loved her portrayal of Leo and Marks. Leo’s sense a humor was delightfully delivered, the timing, and manner were flawless.  The rendering of Mark’s authoritarian and stern way was right on! The witty dialogue was perfectly performed. Ms. Landors’s clear English accent is ideal for the proper ambiance of the book. The voices for some of the other male characters could have been performed in a deeper tone, but I still found them clearly distinctive, she carries out the story in an amazingly entertaining way.

Luckily for me, Married by Morning audiobook was released simultaneously with the printed version, and I say luckily, because so many times, when you have read a book before you listen to it, the expectations of the voices and interpretations of the characters are a lot higher, it’s very hard to mirror the preconceived idea you have already formed in your head about the characters, and this can at times tamper the enjoyment of the audiobook. No complaints from me at all, I absolutely loved this audiobook, and I highly recommend it, as well as the entire Hathaways series.

The Author

Lisa Kleypas

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Loupe Duffy
A mom, a wife, a friend, a happy ending addict, an Audiobook junkie, a wine lover and geek wanna -be. I'm constantly looking to be blown away.
Loupe Duffy

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