Moon Called

Posted by on Jun 9, 2011 in Reviews | 2 comments

Review of: Moon Called Audiobook
Patricia Briggs

Reviewed by:
On June 9, 2011
Last modified:August 24, 2022


Moon Called Audiobook

By: Patricia Briggs

Narrated by: Lorelei king

Published by: Penguin Audiobooks 09/09

Moon Called Audiobook


Mercy Thompson Book 1

9hrs and 14 mins

Whispersync for Voice-ready


Werewolves can be dangerous if you get in their way, but they’ll leave you alone if you are careful. They are very good at hiding their natures from the human population, but I’m not human. I know them when I meet them, and they know me, too.

Mercy Thompson’s sexy next-door neighbor is a werewolf.She’s tinkering with a VW bus at her mechanic shop that happens to belong to a vampire.But then, Mercy Thompson is not exactly normal herself … and her connection to the world of things that go bump in the night is about to get her into a whole lot of trouble.

Moon Called Audiobook Sample

My Thoughts

I first read and listened to the first few books of this series a few years back, now I just exclusively enjoy it on audio. I just did a re- listen of this book, a great introduction of the Mercedes (Mercy) Thompson’s series, one that holds a special place in my favorites.

Let me start by saying that Mercy, the heroine and the focus of these books is one of my favorite characters of all time, I only have three others that hold that position, and is all thanks to the incredible talent and ability of Patricia Briggs to create such credible, down to earth, authentic and honest characters.

In this installment, we get introduced to Mercy; she’s the daughter of a Blackfeet Indian and a white teenage mother. Mercy is a mechanic and a “walker”—a Native American shapeshifter who turns into a coyote, sees the spirits of the dead, and has an innate resistance to most magic (most supernatural beings).

This absolutely should be categorized as an urban fantasy novel, where the romance is not the focus; nevertheless there are underlying hints of it to keep the romance reader/listener happy. The friendship dynamics in the book are some of the best parts.  I love the way Mercy manages to navigate the werewolf’s world that it’s portrayed as sexist, dangerous and full of politics and emerges as a kiss ass heroine without having to use an immense amount of supernatural powers but just a good dose of common sense.

We also get to meet Adam the Alpha of the Tri-Cities werewolf pack. He lives next door to Mercy, with whom she has a playfully antagonistic relationship. (Remember the underlying romance plot I mention?) He’s another fantastic creation of Mrs. Briggs.

What makes this into a completely different take  on the supernatural world it’s that so often we get glamour by the wealth, jet set and the glitter regularly mention in this genre, but oh no! Not here! There are no Armani suits, extravagantly expensive cars or exceptionally good looking guys, (except for Adam! He’s yummy!!) But instead we get real, completely relatable, next- door kind of characters, and a plot full of action, mystery, politics and human emotions that turn this novel into a very convincing, engaging and entertaining listen.

The characters and the world development are brilliant, and it has to be to be able to pull it off without all the elements that keep people like me coming back.

I’ll be posting a link to a more detailed review of the book; I don’t want you to miss a better description of why this book is such a great read/listen.

If you love urban fantasy, I highly recommend this audiobook, and the entire series.

4.25 stars based on 1227 ratings on

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Moon Called Audiobook Narration

When I first listened to this audiobook I already had a very good idea in my mind of what Mercy should sound like, so I knew I was going to be critical of the narration, but what I never imagined was that Lorelei King would not only not disappoint, but surpass my expectations.

She’s just fantastic with the first person narration in Moon Called. She reads Mercy with the precise personality intended by Ms. Briggs. She conveyed the down to earth, strong, but humble attitude of Mercy, thus making her even more likable.

She brought the characters and the world to life in a perfectly accurate way by staying faithful to the writing. She also does a good job with the male characters, with the exception of Ben, let’s just say her British accent wasn’t the best part of the narration, but the exceptional job she does with Mercy  makes you overlook  Ben’s small parts.

I can honestly say that as much as I liked reading this book, I loved it so much more on audio.

The Author

Patricia Briggs

For a more detailed review of the plot visit:



 Lorelei King

  • 4.5
    editor rating
Loupe Duffy
A mom, a wife, a friend, a happy ending addict, an Audiobook junkie, a wine lover and geek wanna -be. I'm constantly looking to be blown away.
Loupe Duffy

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