Better When He’s Bad Audiobook by Jay Crownover (review)

Posted by on Jun 25, 2014 in Reviews | 39 comments

Review of: Better When He's Bad Audiobook
Jay Crownover

Reviewed by:
On June 25, 2014
Last modified:August 24, 2022


Better When He’s Bad Audiobook

By: Jay Crownover

Narrated by: Mia Barron & Leland King

Published by: Harper Audio 06/17/2014

Better When He's Bad Audiobook Cover


4 Hearts rating image Hot Listens

Welcome to the Point Series # 1

10 hrs and 32 mins

Romantic Suspense (NA) logo

Better When He’s Bad Audiobook Sample

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Welcome to the Point…

There’s a difference between a bad boy and a boy who’s bad.… Meet Shane Baxter.

Sexy, dark, and dangerous, Bax isn’t just from the wrong side of the tracks, he is the wrong side of the tracks. A criminal, a thug, and a brawler, he was the master of bad choices, until one such choice landed him in prison for five years. Now Bax is out and looking for answers, and he doesn’t care what he has to do or who he has to hurt to get them. But there’s a new player in the game, and she’s much too innocent, much too soft…and standing directly in his way.

Dovie Pryce knows all about living a hard life and the tough choices that come with it. She’s always tried to be good, tried to help others, and tried not to let the darkness pull her down. But the streets are fighting back, things have gone from bad to worse, and the only person who can help her is the scariest, sexiest, most complicated ex-con the Point has ever produced.

Bax terrifies her, awakening feelings she never thought she’d have for a guy like him. But it doesn’t take Dovie long to realize…some boys are just better when they’re bad.

©2014 Jennifer M. Voorhees (P)2014 HarperCollins Publishers


My thoughts

My indulgence on Romantic suspense continues, this time with my first experience with Author Jay Crownover and her new title, Better When He’s Bad.

My decision to buy this Audiobook was pure cover lust – I pre-order this bad boy the first day I saw it offered at audible.

The story begins with Shanon Baxter’s  first day of freedom after having spent 5 years behind bars. As we all know, prison is not a place for rehabilitation, so the bad 18 year-old that went to prison is now a 23 year-old criminal that has no desire to fly straight and narrow path, but honestly, how can he? Bax was born in raised in the wrong-side of the tracks and doesn’t know any other way of life, never mind that he’s very comfortable and unapologetic about his ways.

Then we have Dovie Pryce, also born in the same conditions as Bax, but unlike Bax she is determined to make something of herself.

How these two individuals with a completely different outlook on life get together provides the romantic aspect of the story; seeing their reluctance to accept their attraction to one another makes the sentimental and sexy aspects of the story entertaining and enjoyable. And sexy it is! I get a little confused with the NA rating.

I really liked the main characters, Bax in all his badness is immensely loyal to those close to him. Dovie is a strong and determined girl and a very likable heroine. They complement each-other very well.

Bax’s best friend disappearance and the chase to find out what happened fills the plot with action, suspense and twist and turns that make this story more than just a romance novel.

What I enjoy the most is how easily the author brought me into her story. I really felt the authenticity and genuineness of her characters and their world.

So, if you like to take a ride to the wrong side of town with a tattooed bad boy, and like to find out if he’s better when he’s bad, I suggest an audio trip to the Point.

Jay Crownover

Jay Crownover

Being native Coloradan is a source of pride if you ask Jay. She loves all the things her home has to offer, and that is why she set her books in this familiar place. Writing about what she knows is why her stories feature plenty of rock and roll and body modification.

Jay has been a bartender since she was in college, spending over forty hours a week watching interactions between men and women. This 9 to 5 job offered great insights into relationships – how they start and how they evolve in a social setting.

This cutting-edge author likes to write New Adult novels because she remembers being in her early twenties and thinking she had it all figured out, only to be proven wrong time and time again. When she looks back, she see’s that those years defined who she is today, and, good or bad, those decisions ultimately set her current path.


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Mia Barron Narrator

Narrator Mia Barron


Mia Barron is an actress, known for Righteous Kill (2008), The Venture Bros. (2003) and Dumped! (2005).




Leland King – I couldn’t find any images or anything about him, but I will keep looking. He’s performance was Awesome!

Better When He’s Bad Audiobook Narration


Two points of view, two narrators.

This is my first experience with narrator Leland King, and wow! I really truly enjoyed his interpretation of Shane Baxter (Bax). I can’t say enough about how good his reading is.
From the moment he started the first chapter I was hooked. He brings Bax’s character to life with a true understanding of his personality.

His timing and pace are excellent, and his approach seals the deal with the authenticity of the novel. With the roughness the text demands he nicely brings you into the story by inspiring the right feelings.

He’s female voices were OK, I wasn’t distracted at all by them.

I’m looking forward to enjoying more of his work. I’m guessing he’s narrating this Audiobook under a pseudonymous, I can’t imagine this book being his first and only narration.

Dovie’s point of view is performed by narrator Mia Barron, and she does a pretty good job. I liked her interpretations, and again, just as Leland, she does a really good job with the mood of the novel.
Her voice is pleasant and easy to listen to, and she does OK with the male voices.

All in all, these 2 narrators do a good job at letting you experience the wrong side of the tracks.
Kudos to Leland King!


Reviewed by:


Loupe Duffy Lupdilup

  • 4
    editor rating
Loupe Duffy
A mom, a wife, a friend, a happy ending addict, an Audiobook junkie, a wine lover and geek wanna -be. I'm constantly looking to be blown away.
Loupe Duffy

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