Confess Audiobook
By: Colleen Hoover
Narrated by: Elizabeth Louise & Sebastian York
Published by: Simon & Schuster 03/10/2015
Confess Audiobook Samples
Auburn Reed has her entire life mapped out. Her goals are in sight, and there’s no room for mistakes. But when she walks into a Dallas art studio in search of a job, she doesn’t expect to find a deep attraction to the enigmatic artist who works there, Owen Gentry.
For once Auburn takes a risk and puts her heart in control, only to discover that Owen is keeping some major secrets from coming out. The magnitude of his past threatens to destroy everything important to Auburn, and the only way to get her life back on track is to cut Owen out of it.
The last thing Owen wants is to lose Auburn, but he can’t seem to convince her that truth is sometimes as subjective as art. All he would have to do to save their relationship is confess. But in this case, the confession could be much more destructive than the actual sin.
©2015 Colleen Hoover. All rights reserved (P)2015 Simon & Schuster, Inc. All rights reserved

Once again, Colleen Hoover doesn’t disappoint. Confess is another emotional and engrossing story that didn’t let me go until I heard the last word.
I’m becoming a big fan of Ms. Hoover’s writing. Her stories feel real, her characters are not without their faults, but this only makes them more credible. She always deals with complicated matters that reflect reality in many ways. Her cleverly woven stories are always a treat. I never mind being taken for a gut-wrenching and intense ride, where anger, angst, hate and frustration are often my companions, all while a beautiful love story and sensual chemistry develop.
I love the way she grabs me with her insufferable situations and makes me feel a range of emotions the way only a well thought out plot and characters can.
Her love stories are messy, angsty and many times frustrating. Especially when you want the heroine to blow everything and follow her heart. As a mother, I could totally relate, and I completely understood her actions.
There’s no higher vulnerability for me than my kid. And this is where I think it might make a big difference in how you relate to Auburn’s actions and the story, in general. I could easily see someone that doesn’t have kids finding her decisions totally frustrating. Nobody has a woman more by the balls than those with the power to take an offspring away. Not a good woman and mother, anyway.
Auburn’s heart was tragically broken when she was only fifteen year’s old – now life presents her with a new chance at love and happiness. Unfortunately, it won’t be easy because a beautiful 4-year-old already owns her path. She won’t do anything to jeopardize that path.
I love Colleen’s heroes! And Owen Gentry was not the exception.
At first I wasn’t sure if he was the right guy for a girl whose immediate gold is to fight to get her son back. But as the story develops I discovered an amazing guy; a great artist with a heart of gold who has a tragic story of his own.
I love that we got a villain to hate! Yes! I was angry. Villains are mostly cowards that hide behind a power and are perfect manipulators when they exercise that power….I HATED that guy! I loved how I immediately found him creepy!
My only complaint is that everything got wrapped up a little too quickly for my taste. And even though I felt satisfied with the ending, I didn’t feel a real end to the story, in general.
All in all, I really enjoyed Confess! I can’t say it’s my favorite to date, Maybe Someday still holds that place. Yet again, I found the story downright engrossing; you don’t listen to an audiobook from beginning to end with just one small break unless you are totally invested.
I’m a huge fan of Elizabeth Louise, and although this is the first time I’m reviewing one of her narrations, she’s not new to me. In fact, if I see a NA title I want to listen to, and I see her as the narrator, you can believe it’s an auto-buy for me.
Again, just as she was perfect with the heroine in a book I just finished a few days ago (Becoming Rain), she’s also fantastic with the portrayal of Auburn Reed.
I love how she can bring the emotions from the text to life. And just by having listened to two different heroines almost back to back, I can easily see how she truly gets the essence of a character’s personality.
One of her biggest talents is her voicing of male characters. Her approach always feels effortless, and she always manage to deliver masculine voices that will never interrupt your enjoyment of a romance novel. She’s fantastic!
This it’s one the few instances I say she could have carried the novel on her own, and I’d have never missed a male narrator…She’s that good!
Now for one of my favorite man! Sebastian York, Oh man! Oh man! He’s a fantastic reader! This is not the first time or the last time you’ll hear me say that; However! I did find his voice a little too grown if I may, for a portrayal of a 21-year-old. I was taken aback for or a second when I heard Owen’s age.
Sebastian’s voice is the a voice of a man! And I loved that, so I hated that I felt a little conflicted by his portrayal of a young men. Nevertheless, there’s nothing immature in Colleen’s characters, so his delivery works. And now that I got that off my chest, I can assure you he’s reading is fantastic.
Sebastian is also a very talented narrator; he’s excellent with Owen’s vulnerabilities and emotions.
I loved Owen! Even though, in my mind he was a little older than
Again, the combination of a great narration and a well-written story, made the Audiobook Confess a great listen for me, and I hope it’s the same for you.
Elizabeth Louise is another one of those elusive narrators. I haven’t been able to find an image, but one thing is for sure, she has quickly climbed to the top with her interpretation of a variety of NA novels.
Sebastian York continues to utilize his pleasant sounding voice and his “romance gene’ to voice some of the sexiest males in romance literature.