My Favorite Audiobook Series Giveaway #audiobookmonth #JIAM2014

Posted by on Jun 20, 2014 in News | 138 comments

Favorite Audiobook Series

By Melanie Simmons


Earbuds with a heart

It is no secret that I’m an audiobook junkie. The condition has only gotten worse throughout the years. The more series that I listen to, the more I want to listen, versus reading a series that I love. For one, I have more time to listen than I do to read, lately. Two, a great narrator can take a good story and make it great or take a great story and make it out of this world.

When asked what my favorite series, I can rattle of a list that is longer than than most people really want to hear. As I tend to listen to mostly paranormal romance and urban fantasy, you will see that is where my favorite Audiobook series come from as well.

I have a tie to for my top overall favorite series. These two are extremely similar in many ways. The authors are wonderful at storytelling and world building. They have characters that are so well developed you can’t help but love them. Tons of action are included in the story with a mix of snarkiness that lightens some really darker parts of the stories. Both of these stories are in the urban fantasy genre, but that doesn’t mean there is no sexy times involved.

The relationships do take a few books in the series to build the relationships, but once the relationships are built, they are strong. The narration for both of these series are out of this world. These women add so much to the story with their ability to add so much feeling to the story. They make you feel like you are part of the action and feel the emotions and can make you laugh or cry at any given time. So, now I guess you are wondering which they are, in no particular order.

[icon_timeline_sep time_sep_title=”Charley Davidson Series by Darynda Jones, Narrated by Lorelei King”]

The Charley Davidson series by Darynda Jones read by Lorelei King. This series has everything I mentioned above. This series is high on the humor. I find myself laughing out loud on many occasions, which can get me some really weird looks at work or other places where people have no idea that I’m listening to a book and not music on my iPod. Charley is the grim reaper. She helps the departed pass over to the other side. She is also a PI, who helps the Albuquerque PD with many homicide cases.

While Charley has a very funny side, her sidekick, Cookie, provides a lot of comic relief as well. Reyes, the son of Satan, provides the sexy side to the story. And watch for the bumper sticker and t-shirt sayings at the beginning of each chapter. They will keep you laughing. “Never knock on death’s door. Ring the doorbell then run. He totally hates that. – T-shirt” Lorelei King brings the whole story together to make for one of the best UF stories in the audio world.

[icon_timeline_sep time_sep_title=”Kate Daniels Series by Ilona Andrews, narrated by Renee Raudman”]

The Kate Daniels series by Ilona Andrews read by Renée Raudman. This series also has everything mentioned above. This series is much more action packed than the Charley Davidson series and with less humor, but Kate and Curran still brings the snark. “It’s a reflex. Hear a bell, get food. See an undead, throw a knife. Same thing, really.” This is world where magic and tech are fighting each other to be the dominate force and is sort of post-apocalyptic.

When tech is high, magic doesn’t work well and when magic is high, tech doesn’t work. Magic eats up anything technology made, including skyscrapers. Gasoline engines won’t work if magic is high, magic infused water engines don’t work when tech is high. Makes for simple things like travel to be very difficult. Magic has twisted many things in this world and the authors have the ability to come up with some of the weirdest and most descriptive creatures I’ve ever read. Renée Raudman really brings the story to life by adding so much feeling to the emotional scenes and to the action scenes. Raudman narrates all the Ilona Andrews series, and I highly recommend all of them.

I hope you have a chance to check out these two great UF series. I feel that the team involved in the creation of these great audio series really bring out the best of the best of the audiobook world.

Now, just because I can’t leave at just two, here are some other great series that I highly recommend you check out if you’re looking for something for that roadtrip or something to make your housecleaning and yardwork more enjoyable. I hope I will be able to help you find a new audiobook series to love as much as I do. In no particular order:

[bsf-info-box icon=”Defaults-gift” icon_size=”32″ title=”Winners Announcement” pos=”top”]

Congratulations to winners!!

Janie MacGaugh

Yvonne Jefferson

Carla Day

The winners have been contacted via e-mail and have 48 hrs to claim their prize.

A big thanks to all who participated!


I’m always looking for new series to try, especially on audio. Share some of your favorite audio series, stand alones and narrators, so we can all enable each other’s addiction.



To celebrate Audiobook Month will be giving away 3 Audiobooks – 3 Winners .  Your choice from any of my favorite series. Including up-coming releases (this will be delivered the day of their release on To enter just fill the Rafflecopter bellow.

The winners  will be announced on July 1, 2014. Last day to enter is June 30, 2014.


Good Luck to all!

By Melanie Simmons


Loupe Duffy
A mom, a wife, a friend, a happy ending addict, an Audiobook junkie, a wine lover and geek wanna -be. I'm constantly looking to be blown away.
Loupe Duffy

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