Sixth Grave On the Edge Audiobook Blog Tour & Giveaway

Posted by on May 30, 2014 in Reviews | 56 comments

Sixth Grave On the Edge Audiobook Blog Tour & Giveaway


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Sixth Grave On the Edge Audiobook

5 hearts Rating image


Charley Davidson Series # 6

9 hrs and 46 mins

Whispersync for Voice-ready

Review by the Hot Listens team.

Sixth Grave On the Edge Narration by Lorelei King

Lorelei King Narrator

Lorelei King

There is what I call “perfect teams in Audiobooks.” These teams don’t often happen, but when they do, it is simply Magical!!  This is exactly how I feel about this duo of author and narrator. Their Audiobooks deliver time after time an exceptional listening experience.

It takes an extraordinary talent to continuously grasp the author’s intent, and once again, Lorelei King captures with perfection the essence of these characters and the story.

Her timing and pace allow the humor and the wit in the dialogue to flow effortlessly to deliver the playfulness so typical on Ms. Jones writing.

In Sixth Grave on the Edge, we get a taste of Ms. King’s ability to not only connect and placed you with ease and expertise to the story, but to bring your heart and soul to the emotional parts of the book.

Her diversity of voices complete her performance; the flawless interpretation of Charley, Reyes (OH MY!) and the rest of the cast make Sixth Grave On the Edge Audiobook another awesome must listen and not be missed by readers and listeners alike.

Reviewed by Lupdilup

Plot Review

This is my favorite series on audio. The team of Darynda Jones writing and Lorelei King reading cannot be topped. This series brings everything I love in a great Urban Fantasy novel. It has suspense, snarky humor, violence and extremely hot sexiness. Put all of that along with wonderful characters and it is a recipe for greatness.

In this story, we have Charley dealing with her father, who has sold the bar to Reyes. There is something going on with him and Charley is worried. Reyes is trying everything he can to woo Charley even more. He bought her the apartment building she lives in. He bought her the asylum where Rocket and his sister lives.

One major side plot in this story, is Charley and Cookie trying to get Uncle Bob to “grow a pair” and ask Cookie out on a date. There is a decent amount of the story given to this part of the plot. It is pretty good as Cookie goes on “dates” to try to make him jealous.

As always, Charley working on a few cases, some paid and some for departed that she comes across. At the beginning of the story, she has a naked old man riding in Misery with her. She desperately wants to find why he is still around, because she is not a fan of sharing her beloved Jeep with a naked old man.

We meet a new character who will have a large role in the future, I believe. He is known only as “the dealer”. He is a demon, who is eating souls. I also see Mr. Wong coming into play at some point. There has to be a reason for him.

I don’t want to say too much more, because I don’t want to give anything away. Let’s just say, that this book is as good, if not better, than the first five books. It will make you laugh and it will make you cry (yes, my eyes did water at one point, I was really glad I was in my car and not at my desk at work). We have tons of Cookie, Angel, Reyes, Uncle Bob and Swopes. We have some of Rocket, Strawberry, Amador, Amber, Quentin and.Captain Eckert.

Reviewed by Melanie

Darynda Jones

Author Darynda Jones

NYTimes and USA Today Bestselling Author Darynda Jones has won numerous awards for her work, including a prestigious Golden Heart®, a Rebecca, two Hold Medallions, a RITA ®, and a Daphne du Maurier, and she has received stellar reviews from dozens of publications including starred reviews from Publisher’s Weekly, Booklist, and the Library Journal. As a born storyteller, Darynda grew up spinning tales of dashing damsels and heroes in distress for any unfortunate soul who happened by, annoying man and beast alike, and she is ever so grateful for the opportunity to carry on that tradition. She currently has two series with St. Martin’s Press: The Charley Davidson Series and the Darklight Trilogy. She lives in the Land of Enchantment, also known as New Mexico, with her husband of almost 30 years and two beautiful sons, the Mighty, Mighty Jones Boys. She can be found at

Author Links:

Purchase Links:
Barnes & Nobles
• Audiobook

Melanie and I received an Audiobook advance copy from Macmillan Audio and St Martins publisher in exchange for an honest review, so we decided to give a copy of this Audiobook to 2 lucky winners.  Ms. Jones has agreed to gift a copy of Sixth Grave On the Edge  and Hot listen is gifting a copy of any Audiobook in the series.

The winners will have a choice to pick from any of the Audiobooks in the series, including  SEVENTH GRAVE AND NO BODY (this will be delivered to the winner via on the day of its release) Any other book will be delivered the day after of June 11, 2014.

Just enter the Rafflecopters from below in addition to the giveaways from the publisher. (Us and Canada)

[icon_counter icon_type=”custom” icon=”Defaults-gift” icon_img=”4651″ img_width=”352″ icon_size=”37″ icon_color=”#fc66a1″ icon_style=”none” icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” icon_color_border=”#333333″ icon_border_size=”1″ icon_border_radius=”500″ icon_border_spacing=”50″ flip_box_style=”simple” border_size=”2″ border_color=”#a4a4a4″ box_border_style=”none” box_border_size=”2″ box_border_color=”#a4a4a4″ box_border_color_back=”#a4a4a4″ block_title_front=”We are super excited about this!!!” text_color=”#333333″ block_text_color=”#333333″ block_front_color=”#efefef” block_title_back=”Seventh Grave and No Body” block_desc_back=”Blurb:
Twelve. Twelve of the deadliest beasts ever forged in the fires of hell have escaped onto our plane, and they want nothing more than to rip out the jugular of Charley Davidson and serve her lifeless, mangled body to Satan for dinner. So there’s that. But Charley has more on her plate than a mob of testy hellhounds. For one thing, her father has disappeared, and the more she retraces his last steps, the more she learns he was conducting an investigation of his own, one that has Charley questioning everything she’s ever known about him. Add to that an ex-BFF who is haunting her night and day, a rash of suicides that has authorities baffled, and a drop-dead sexy fiancé who has attracted the attentions of a local celebrity, and Charley is not having the best week of her life.

A tad north of hell, a hop, skip, and a jump past the realm of eternity, is a little place called Earth, and Charley Davidson, grim reaper extraordinaire, is determined to do everything in her power to protect it.

We’re doomed!
Coming October 2014″ block_back_text_color=”#333333″ block_back_color=”#efefef” button_bg=”#333333″ button_txt=”#ffffff” flip_type=”horizontal_flip_left” height_type=”ifb-jq-height” box_height=”300″]
Loupe Duffy
A mom, a wife, a friend, a happy ending addict, an Audiobook junkie, a wine lover and geek wanna -be. I'm constantly looking to be blown away.
Loupe Duffy

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