Sugar Daddy Audiobook (The Travis Series #1) Review

Posted by on Mar 6, 2015 in Reviews | 31 comments

Review of: Sugar Daddy Audiobook

Reviewed by:
On March 6, 2015
Last modified:August 24, 2022


Sugar Daddy Audiobook

By: Lisa Kleypas

Narrated by: Jeannie Stith

Published by: Brilliance Audio 09/15/2008

Sugar Daddy Audiobook


5 hearts Rating image

The Travis Series # 1

10 hrs and 18 mins

Whispersync for Voice-ready

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Sugar Daddy Audiobook Sample


Sugar Daddy (5 Hearts)

With the upcoming  release of Brown-Eyed Girl (book #4 in the series), I decided to do a re-listen of this fabulous contemporary romance series. I’m also republishing my review in hopes that you will decide to give it a go before the new book gets published.

Before this novel, I thought I wouldn’t find a believable hero in a contemporary setting. Silly of me, but I believed the attraction I felt for the characters from my previous readings/listenings came a little from the magical, the fantasy, and the fairy tale aspect of the stories. Especially the heroes – let’s face it, they all are utterly gorgeous and hot. They love immensely, they never argue about mundane things, and they’re total alpha males.
Not to mention some of their other physical attributes that you should be mighty familiar with if you are a romance reader/listener.

I see now that “in the end” it all comes down to how good can an author take you into the story and how real the characters feel to you. And in romance, how can you make a contemporary story into a fairy tale?

This is how Kleypas did it:

The first half of the book is like an innocent YA book. Kleypas deals with the relationship between mother and daughter, and the struggles of a mother trying to raise a daughter alone – a daughter who is forced to accept responsibilities far beyond her years.

Liberty had a hard childhood. Her father died when she was very young, and her mother was alienated from her family since she went against them and married outside her race. Now she wonders between a series of interchangeable men of questionable character.

With a careless mother, Liberty’s only support is the relationship with her elderly neighbor, Miss Marva, and the older boy next door Hardy Cates. Hardy’s only goal in life it’s to get the heck out of town, and make something out of himself, this makes a romantic relationship with Liberty impossible.

When her mother dies in a tragic accident, Liberty is left practically penniless to raise her younger sister Carrington.
A scholarship to a beauty school gives her the training to find a job in a top salon in Houston where Liberty finds herself befriending the wealthy Texas businessman, Churchill Travis.

He soon makes her an offer she can’t refuse (to become his personal assistant and move into his home). Churchill’s the eldest son, Gage, finds his father’s actions downright unacceptable, and stars to dislike and hate Liberty, holding her responsible for his father’s unusual behavior.

Gage’s hatred for Liberty soon turns to something more. And as their relationship takes a new turn, secrets about her mother’s past, and an old friend emerge in Liberty’s life. With this, the story evolves into one that will make you laugh, cry and laugh some more.

Liberty is a wonderful heroine, sweet, charming, intelligent, and hardworking. You love her right away. Hardy and Gage are excellent heroes, the kind that make you swoon in romance story.

With such convincing characters, everything works right in Sugar Daddy; I just loved everything about it! I’m hoping, you do too!
The fallowing two books are as fantastic, if not better! These are some Texan men worth getting to know 🙂

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Jeannie Stith’s voice conveys vulnerability, earnestness, self-doubt and inner strength, making Liberty a very likable heroine who immediately wins your heart.
She also does an excellent job as the other characters, especially the men in Liberty’s life, who are difficult but passionate.

Her childhood love, Hardy Cates has a sweet Texas twang that makes him so memorable. Liberty’s employer, a wealthy Texan has a perfect toned voice that brings credibility to his character. Gage’s voice is delivered with a sensuality that will make you fall in love.

You might find her voice a little young at first, but this is perfect for the description of her childhood, somehow she manages to grow with the story delivering a very good narration.


Author Lisa KleypasLisa Kleypas graduated from Wellesley College with a political science degree. She is a RITA award winning author of both historical romance and contemporary women’s fiction. Her novels are published in fourteen different languages and are bestsellers all over the world. She lives in Washington State with her husband Gregory and their two children.

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Narrator Jeannie StithJeannie Stith is a nationally recognized commercial voice talent and a 2-time Audie Award nominee. Jeannie is also the official promo voice of the nationwide Sprout channel, the voice of Hershey Park, and the voice of Verizon Wireless 411 marketing messaging.

Jeannie Stith lives on the East Coast with her husband Ryan and her second love, her home studio.


Other books in this series

Blue Eye Devil Audiobook
Smooth Talking Stranger

Reviewed by:

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  • 5
    editor rating
Loupe Duffy
A mom, a wife, a friend, a happy ending addict, an Audiobook junkie, a wine lover and geek wanna -be. I'm constantly looking to be blown away.
Loupe Duffy

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