The Queen Audiobook by Tiffany Reisz (REVIEW)

Posted by on Nov 23, 2015 in Reviews | 16 comments

Review of: The Queen Audiobook
Tiffany Reisz

Reviewed by:
On November 23, 2015
Last modified:August 24, 2022


The Queen Audiobook

By: Tiffany Reisz

Narrated by: Elizabeth Hart

Published by: Tantor Audio 10/27/15

The Queen Audiobook by Tiffany reisz


4.5 stars rating

Original Sinners #8

14 hrs

Contemporary Erotica logo

The Queen Audiobook Sample

The Queen Audiobook

4.5 Hearts

I went into this book with mix feelings. One, I was very excited to see how the story wrapped up with Nora, Soren, King and everyone else. On the other hand, I hated that this was the ending. It seems like I’ve been reading about them forever. I’ve really enjoyed my journey with them and I hate to see it come to an end. Then again, I did read The Siren in 2012 way back before I was reviewing books.

I will say that Tiffany Reisz didn’t disappoint with this book. It was everything that I’ve come to expect from an Original Sinners book. The story starts off right where we left off in The Virgin, with everyone at castle in Scotland for a wedding which hasn’t yet taken place. The story then flashes back to the story of how Eleanor Schreiber became Nora Sutherlin. Boy, it was quite the ride.

One of the first things the new Mistress Nora has to do is dethrone the current queen. Kingsley and Nora make quite a plan to place Mistress Nora at the top of the dominatrix list. While things don’t go exactly how they plan for them to go, I think Nora shows that she is able to hold her own and is willing to do what it takes to become the most infamous dominatrix New York has ever seen.

While back in the past, we have a lot of time with with Kingsley, Soren, Juliette and even Griffin. We have the confessional sex that many have been requesting for a while now. We even get to watch how Nora meeting Wesley.

Coming back to the present, we get Kingsley, Soren, Griffin, Michael, Alfred (Griffin’s butler), Grace, and Zach. It was great to get to see everyone one last time. There was a very touching scene at the end, which I won’t spoil for anyone, but isn’t too hard to figure out. All in all, I thought that the story wrapped up very well. My only complaint, flashbacks within flashbacks.

The Queen Audiobook Narration

4 Hearts

Elizabeth Hart is a narrator that has grown on me as she has continued to narrate the White Years of this series. Originally, I wasn’t a big fan, but the more I listened to her, the more I come to enjoy her narration. My original problem with her was Kingsley. I didn’t like her accent. I noticed it mostly when she narrated The King. I’m not sure how much of that was because the majority of that story was narrated by him and less of him works better for her or if she has just gotten better with his voice. Either way, I’ve come to enjoy the narration.

Tiffany Reisz

Author Tiffany Reisz

Tiffany Reisz is the author of the internationally bestselling and award-winning Original Sinners series for Mira Books (Harlequin/Mills & Boon). Tiffany’s books inhabit a sexy shadowy world where romance, erotica and literature meet and do immoral and possibly illegal things to each other. She describes her genre as “literary friction,” a term she stole from her main character, who gets in trouble almost as often as the author herself.

She lives in Portland, Oregon. If she couldn’t write, she would die.

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Elizabeth Hart has been a multifaceted performer her entire life. Her interest in audible arts began with her grandfather, a member of the Choctaw tribe who liked to tell her passed-down stories from his heritage. She began performing on television and stage when she was a child and has carried her passion for entertaining into adulthood. Elizabeth lives on the west coast with her family.

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I like to thank Tantor Audio for providing me with a copy of this audiobook in exchange for an honest review.


Reviewed by:

ML Simmons Reviewer

  • 4.5
    editor rating
Melanie Simmons
I’m Melanie and I live in Ohio. I have two horses and a dog. I’m an animal lover, avid book reader and audiobook listener. I like to live vicariously through fictional characters. I enjoy reading and listening to mostly fictional books in the paranormal genre, including Urban Fantasy, Paranormal Romance and Horror. My favorite paranormal creatures are shifters, doesn’t matter the flavor.