Villains Rule Audiobook by M. K. Gibson (REVIEW)

Posted by on Sep 19, 2017 in Reviews | 19 comments

Review of: Villains Rule Audiobook
M. K. Gibson

Reviewed by:
On September 19, 2017
Last modified:August 24, 2022


 Villains Rule Audiobook

By: M. K. Gibson

Narrated by: Jeffrey Kafer

Published by: Amber Cove Publishing 04/19/17

Villains Rule by M. K. Gibson Audiobook

4 Hearts rating image Hot Listens

The Shadow Master #1

9 hrs and 49 mins

 Villains Rule Audiobook Sample

 Villains Rule Audiobook

4 Hearts

I was given the opportunity to try this audiobook. It was described to me as “Comedy fantasy in the vein of Deadpool.” I read the blurb (which is really funny) and decided to give it a try. I had listened to Jeffrey Kafer previously, so I knew I liked his work. I’m so glad that I decided to try this new-to-me author. I really enjoyed meeting Jackson and had a lot of fun with this story.

This book takes on the POV of the villain. Julian “Jackson” Blackwell, aka The Shadow Master, is a consultant to villains everywhere. He is a great strategist and uses this ability to help other villains become the baddest villains that they can and rule their realms. However, when you work with villains, you can’t trust them, no matter how loyal they may seem or what you’ve done for them in the past.

Jackson ends up getting backstabbed by one of his clients (shocking from a villain, right?). He is stuck in another dimension with little access to his powers. He must then work with heroes (You can imagine how hard it must be for a villain to partner with a single hero, much less a group of them) in order to save himself.

This story is full of great pop culture references (especially of the geeky kind) which will make you laugh out loud. Jackson is a great character who is only out to serve himself. He is prone to long monologues (because what villain doesn’t like to hear himself talk) and that doesn’t even include his inner monologues, which are sometimes broadcasted when he’s in his own realm. Oh, there is also some great family drama from Jackson’s sister and nephew.

I’m very much a character driven reader. Give me good characters, and I will generally enjoy the story. This book is full of great characters that are well developed and suited their parts in the story perfectly. As per normal for me, my favorite character was a secondary one, the receptionist, Sophia. While she doesn’t have a large part in this book, I really liked her. I felt she was the perfect fit to help out Jackson. I hope to see more of her in the next book (and I will be on the lookout for the next book).

This book is full of a dry humor, geeky pop culture references, some good dick jokes and a punch to the Oxford comma. I love the mix of the real world and the fantasy worlds that Jackson visits. It is a great escape to have a villain as the main character. I just have to say, check it out.

“Jackson Blackwell, I repeat, how do you plead?”
“I heard you, Lord Protector. I’ve just been ignoring you.” I said as bored as possible. “Lesser beings do not deserve my full attention.” Apparently my chosen approach was asshole.

 Villains Rule Audiobook Narration

4.5 Hearts

Jeffrey Kafer does a great job with this book. I might start off sounding a little dry, but as you get to the know the character, Jackson, you learn that it is Jackson that is dry, not Jeffrey. Jeffrey is plenty expressive with some of the other characters. I think he does a phenomenal job with the voices and tones of all the different characters in this book, even if he does make me cringe a bit with the voice of Jackson’s sister (which I’m sure is completely on purpose on the narrator’s part). I think he really nailed the pacing of the story, speeding up and slowing down as needed for the scene at had. This is the first full length novel I’ve listened with Jeffrey Kafer as narrator (the other book is Magic Stars by Ilona Andrews, which is only two hours long), but it is sure to not be the last one.

Author: M. K. Gibson

Hi, I’m Mike Gibson (Gib or Gibby to my friends). I’m a father, husband, writer and a retired US Air Force MSgt with 20 years of service. Back in 1980, when I was 5, I saw the animated version of The Hobbit and was a geek from then on. All I have ever wanted to do was to write and tell stories.

On one of my walls at home, I keep framed rejection letters. Every so often I look at them to keep myself writing and also to remind myself some people are idiots.

I live with my wife, son, 2 dogs and cat in Mt Airy, Maryland.

I love to read, play video games, exercise and watch movies. I’m a lover of all things geek and I’m a highly opinionated, socially/politically neutral person. I feel those who live and die by a brand, or party, are doomed to fail as human beings. I also mock those who refuse to let go of the Oxford comma.

In short, I’m an asshole. Yet, a lovable asshole. I hope.

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Narrator: Jeffrey Kafer

Narrator: Jeffrey Kafer

SAG-AFTRA narrator/producer of over 225 audiobooks. I’ve narrated works from such authors as Clive Barker, Cory Doctorow, Maya Banks, Kathryn Shay, Bob Mayer and others.

Audiobooks Twitter

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I like to thank Jeffrey Kafer for providing me with a copy of this audiobook in exchange for an honest review.


Reviewed by:

ML Simmons Reviewer

  • 4
    editor rating
Melanie Simmons
I’m Melanie and I live in Ohio. I have two horses and a dog. I’m an animal lover, avid book reader and audiobook listener. I like to live vicariously through fictional characters. I enjoy reading and listening to mostly fictional books in the paranormal genre, including Urban Fantasy, Paranormal Romance and Horror. My favorite paranormal creatures are shifters, doesn’t matter the flavor.