2015 Audiobook Challenge Wrap-up and Giveaway

Posted by on Dec 18, 2015 in Giveaways, Miscellaneous | 36 comments

2015 Audiobook Challenge Button

2015 has been a great year. I’ve listened to a bunch of new-to-me authors and narrators. I’ve gotten back into listening to horror and forgot how much I loved that genre. I’ve listened to more books this year than I ever have in a single year. I did only do one relisten in The Martian by Andy Weir, which I just listened to for the first time too. I also watched the movie, which wasn’t bad either.

As quickly as I’m listening to books, I’m seeing reviews from several other bloggers who are adding more to my TBR books. I love how my audio TBR is growing as fast as my reading one is. With the number of great narrators and more and more books getting made into audiobooks. What is even better, I’m seeing self published books that are getting made into audiobooks and nothing could make me happier.

As I write this, I’m at 93 audiobooks for the entire year and there is still time that I can get more in too. I can’t wait to see what all everyone else has on their wrap-up post to see if I can make my audio TBR list even longer than it currently is. Also, happy to announce that we will be co-hosting with TheBookNympho again in 2016. Don’t forget to sign-up HERE. Keep listening.

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A big thanks to all who participated. We like to wish you all good luck with the final giveaway, and we’d like to extend the invitation to participate on the 2016 Audiobook Challenge.

This giveaway is open to all the 2015 challenge participants. Link your wrap-up post and enter the giveaway.

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Melanie Simmons
I’m Melanie and I live in Ohio. I have two horses and a dog. I’m an animal lover, avid book reader and audiobook listener. I like to live vicariously through fictional characters. I enjoy reading and listening to mostly fictional books in the paranormal genre, including Urban Fantasy, Paranormal Romance and Horror. My favorite paranormal creatures are shifters, doesn’t matter the flavor.